
Category - Blog


Changing the Channel for Better Communication with Our Pets

Often people come to me for an Animal Communicator session when they are trying to make sense of what is going on in their animal’s head…..having something to do with behavior issues…and really wanting to understand them more clearly and also for their animal to understand what the person are trying to communicate back to …


How to Overcome Confusing Your Pet’s Feelings with Your Own Feelings

In order to truly understand your pet, you must recognize what feelings, opinions and emotions are your own and what are not your pet’s feelings, opinions and emotions. Have you ever heard someone say, “My dog is not good with people” or “She’s sensitive…she’s aggressive….she doesn’t like strangers.” This may even extend into other areas, …


Creating New Good Behaviors with Your Pet

Clients often come to me because they want their animal to understand them, to behave better, and to overcome some sort of challenge. Animals live in the moment….they are not dwelling on what happened yesterday or a year ago….and they are not thinking about what may happen tomorrow. Animals respond to the energy they encounter …


What State of Mind Are You Nurturing in Your Pet?

Animals are always responding to energy in the moment, and as instinctual followers in a pack dynamic, they look to us humans for guidance, direction, validation, and comfort. Something people often are not aware of is the state of mind the animal is experiencing when they give their pet attention. When an animal is nervous ...

A Super Easy Method for Communicating with Animals

As an animal communicator, people often ask me how they can better communicate with their animals.  One thing I always recommend is to create a consistent practice of meditation so your mind and energy is clear and open to receive messages from the animal and to be able to process the information and respond appropriately.I ...

An Animal Communication Story: A Horse’s Request for Sacred Closure

A woman, named Mary, booked an Animal Communicator session with me because her horse, Magic, threw her off his back during a riding session. Fortunately, Mary was only bruised but she was devastated because this had never happened before and she was fearful of ever riding with Magic again.  She asked if I could connect …


How to Use Tapping to Improve Your Life & Your Pet’s Life

The Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as EFT or Tapping, has taken the world by storm as a ground breaking method for overcoming physical and emotional challenges and traumas. Millions of people have experienced the healing benefits of tapping, experiencing relief from anxiety, stress, disease, addiction, insomnia, pain, and depression. EFT is based on Eastern …


What is the Law of Attraction?

People often refer to The Law of Attraction but then forget what it actually means and how it can improve their lives. In this video, you will learn more about what the Law of Attraction is all about and how you can use it to improve your life! The Law of Attraction is a universal …


What I Learned from My Dog – One of My Greatest Teachers

When I first adopted my dog, Harlow, I looked at her as the type of dog that is fun loving, sometimes goofy, and not a whole lot going on in her head. In contrast, my dog, Dasher who is an Aussie Shepherd / Cattle Dog mix, is always sniffing, her ears like radars, usually on …


How to Quickly Release Tension with the Pink Bubble Technique

When I was in high school, I was extremely stressed out about my college entrance exams and I discovered Shakti Gawain’s Creative Visualization audio tapes where I learned the Pink Bubble Technique. This technique changed my life and how I manage stress…..it totally calmed my nerves and I was successful in completing my exams and …

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