animal comminicator

How to Create An Aura of Intention for Your & Your Pets

As an animal communicator, I’ve seen firsthand how important it is for pet owners to align their intentions with their actions. Often, we send mixed signals to our pets without even realizing it, which can leave them feeling confused and uncertain. Whether you’re guiding your pet through behavior challenges or simply ensuring their safety, creating …


Harmonizing Your Energy with Your Animal Companions

In the realm of animal communication, one of the most profound experiences is achieving a harmonious energy state with our animal companions. This synchronization is not just about emotional bonding but involves a deep energetic alignment that can enhance understanding, trust, and companionship. Today, I would like to share insights into how you can align …


Unlocking Mystical Messages: Understanding Your Animal Dreams and Visions

Dreams have perpetually been a subject of fascination, providing a mysterious bridge between the conscious and the unconscious. As an animal communicator, the intricate web of connections between the human spirit and the animal kingdom always invites exploration, particularly within the dream world. Let’s delve into the enchanting realm where dreams and animal communication intertwine, …


Understanding Body Language: How Posture Communicates Your Feelings to Animals

Our body language, including posture, is a powerful form of non-verbal communication, especially animal communication. It not only affects how others perceive us, but it also impacts our own emotions and feelings. This extends to our interactions with animals. Everyone is truly an animal communicator and sending energetic messages through the body and presence without …


Creating A New Era for Your & Your Pets

A new era signifies a period of significant change, a transition to a fresh chapter in life’s journey. It’s about embracing growth, exploring new potentials, and shedding the old patterns that no longer serve us. As we evolve and grow, so do our relationships, including those we share with our animal companions. This blog post …


The Importance of Practicing the Feeling of What You Desire for You & Your Pets

People often schedule animal communication sessions and coaching with me for help in overcoming various challenges with their pets…whether it be a behavior challenge, or wanting to better understand and communicate with them, or even how to help support and heal an animal experiencing health challenges. Whenever you are wanting to achieve a goal and experience …


How to Calm and Clear Your Energy Body to Help You & Your Pets

As an animal communicator, people often contact me because they feel their own personal energy is out of balance and getting in the way of their communication and connection with their pets.  It is a common challenge people experience in not being conscious of how they are affected by energy and how their energy is affecting others ….especially pets. You do not need to be …


How to Breathe Into Balance for You & Your Pets

Today I would like to share a super easy and effective breathing exercise that will help you quickly feel more calm, clear, balanced, and grounded in the present moment.  As an animal communicator and pet communicator, I often feel the human’s unbalanced energy from the animal’s perspective. This exercise is very helpful to do when …


How Your Own Self Care Will Benefit Your Pets

Today I would like to talk about the importance of self-care and wellness and how it will benefit our pets.  You will strengthen your abilities as an effective animal communicator and pet communicator when you practice consistent self-care. Often we humans who are animal lovers and caregivers pour our heart and soul into our pets…making …


Creating What You Desire for You & Your Pets

On a daily basis, people reach out to me for animal communicator tips, manifesting tips, energy healing tips and coaching to improve their lives with their pets.  We all have the power and ability to create what we desire and hope for in all areas of our lives….especially in our lives with our pets. People …


How to Better Understand & Communicate with Your Pets

As an animal communicator, people often ask me for simple ways to better understand and communicate with their pets through energy and intuition. Animals are always picking on the energy around them, especially from humans, and we have an opportunity to utilize our energetic connections with them in order to understand and communicate with them …

How Keeping A Gratitude Journal Will Help Your Pets

How Keeping A Gratitude Journal Will Help Your Pets

When people work with me as an Animal Communicator, one of the most amazing energies I feel and observe in the connection between people and pets is gratitude and (of course) love. It is widely well-known that feeling and expressing gratitude will improve your spirits, your energy, and your life.  Cultures around the world teach …

Clear Your Mind to Help Your Pets with the Morning Pages 

Clear Your Mind to Help Your Pets with the Morning Pages

An aspect of my work as an Animal Communicator and Intuitive Coach that I really love is helping animals by helping their humans find their calm, release their stress, remove their blocks, and find their balance. From the animal’s perspective….they just want to be happy, balanced, and loved…..but it’s the humans who are energetically complicated …

Power in the Peaceful Moments with our Pets | Michael R. Burke

Power in the Peaceful Moments with our Pets

Advice from an Animal Communicator and Intuitive Life Coach: Our animals would like to experience with us joy, peace, and love in any given moment, but life is complicated.  Our life situations and energy sometimes get in the way of experiencing the best with them on a regular basis. Fortunately, the peaceful and loving moments …

Compassion Fatigue and How to Release It | Michael Burke

Compassion Fatigue and How to Release It

A challenge often help people with in my work as an Animal Communicator and Intuitive Life Coach is Compassion fatigue.  It is something many people experience but often are not aware of it and how it effects them.  So many of us care deeply about the welfare of animals, wanting to save them, rescue them, …

How to Help Your Animals Through Meditation

How to Help Your Animals Through Meditation

Over the years working as an Animal Communicator and Intuitive Life Coach with many clients and students facing various circumstances, I have found there to be a common thread – people are often not calm…they are tense, they are anxious, they are stressed. Our energy effects our animal’s energy and if we are tense, our …