
When You Know It’s Meant to Be: Finding Your Soulmate Pet

When You Know It’s Meant to Be: Finding Your Soulmate Pet

Announcing the arrival of our new cat, Leo!  Leo has been home with us for two weeks now, and it already feels like he’s been part of our family forever.

Click the image below to watch the video and see me share more, or continue reading below:

I first met Leo just days before the LA fires broke out. His story is a testament to resilience and divine timing. He was surrendered to a shelter with a severe tail injury—his skin torn away, exposing muscle, nerves, and bone. His tail had to be amputated, and he was scheduled to be euthanized. Thankfully, a rescue group stepped in, saving his life and overseeing his recovery. Now, Leo sports the cutest little nubby tail that’s always wiggling with joy.

I hadn’t planned on adopting a cat that day, but something guided me to pop into a local pet store for supplies. As I walked in, there was a rescue adoption fair in progress. That’s when I saw Leo—and immediately, I knew he was the one. There was no question, no hesitation. I felt it in my heart: this was meant to be.

Despite the chaos of the fires, I picked him up just a few days later. We had no power and were on warning to evacuate, but Leo settled in immediately. He’s around 2–3 years old, incredibly confident, and gets along beautifully with everyone. He radiates happiness, love, and gratitude. Our journey together as a family has officially begun, and I couldn’t feel more blessed.

The Synchronicities That Guide Us to Our Soulmate Pets

Sometimes, when we meet a pet, we feel an immediate soul connection. It’s as if the universe has orchestrated a series of perfect events to bring us together.

With Leo, I experienced this firsthand.  Right before I met him, I had an unexpected moment of connection.  A tuxedo cat at the adoption fair reminded me of Peanut, our beloved cat who passed away a year ago.

As I looked into the tuxedo cat’s eyes, I felt Peanut’s presence so strongly. In that moment, I heard a message, as clear as a whisper in my heart: “No, not me… look over your shoulder.”

When I turned, there was Leo. My heart knew instantly. It wasn’t just a coincidence—it was a divine moment of guidance, orchestrated by something greater than myself.

This is the magic of synchronicity. When we open ourselves to the flow of energy, to the signs and nudges around us, we allow ourselves to be guided to the pets who are meant to be part of our lives. Our soulmate pets come into our lives not by chance, but by a series of divinely aligned events that we are invited to notice and embrace.

A Simple Meditation to Call Forth Your Soul Mate Pet

If you’re hoping to meet your soulmate pet or another soulmate animal, you can intentionally open the door for divine guidance. Here’s a simple meditation to help you align with the synchronicities that bring you together:

Find a Quiet Space: Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Allow yourself to feel calm and centered.

Set an Intention: Silently or aloud, say, “I am open to meeting the soulmate animal who is meant to share this journey with me. I invite divine guidance to lead me to them.”

Visualize Your Connection: Imagine your future pet. You don’t need to know exactly what they look like. Instead, focus on feeling their energy and your connection.

What does it feel like to be with them? Picture and feel them happy, healthy, and thriving in your care.  Imagine and feel your own energetic experience with them in your life.

Sense Their Presence: In your mind’s eye, visualize their energy as a color radiating toward you. Let this color grow brighter as you imagine your own energy reaching out to meet theirs. Feel the love, trust, and mutual connection forming between you.

Trust the Process: When you’re ready, take a deep breath and release your intention to the universe. Trust that synchronicities will guide you to your soul mate pet at the perfect time.

Our soulmate pets don’t come into our lives by accident. They’re guided to us—and us to them—through a series of beautiful synchronicities and divine nudges. When we tune into these signs and follow our inner knowing, we open the door to the most incredible connections.

Leo’s story is a reminder that when we trust the process and follow the gentle whispers of our intuition, we are led to the animals who are meant to walk this journey with us. They teach us, love us, and help us grow in ways we never could have imagined.

So, if you’re waiting for your soulmate animal, keep your heart open. The universe is always working behind the scenes to bring you together in the most magical way.

And if you are living with your soulmate animal now….appreciate and celebrate the synchronicities that brought you together.  The more you appreciate and celebrate, the more synchronicities you will experience throughout your life.

And if I can be of any additional assistance…whether it be through animal communication, helping you overcome behavior challenges with your pets, pet psychic questions, personal coaching for you to help you navigate life…..I am more than happy to help!


  • Wendy M. says:

    As you know, I recently suffered a loss & am still in a grief state. A friend just yesterday sent me info on some dogs needing adoption and I felt very conflicted & wondering why they came to my attention if I didn’t feel ready. I’m glad to know it’s ok to pass on them and they are not necessarily always for us just because we cross paths. I will surely use the meditation you provided when I am feeling ready. Thanks for always shining a light!

  • wendy says:

    Wonderful story about Leo and how he was chosen, helped by the tuxedo kitten. YES, that is so true. I found dogs in a store getting old and unwanted. Younger prettier cuter dogs were there, getting chosen so one day and went in to inquire about who needed a home most. I looked at the wee raggedy dog with blk grey hair and he looked at me, and it was so right. Sometimes going for the ones who are overlooked helps too but it is best to spend time to see if it feels right. It always is for me but I have many dogs and cats. YOUR catio is just wonderful. Leo and your other two are just lovely together. WISE words for us, thanks Michael and may your area and home remain safe, free from fires and smoke. Love and Best to all of you. Wendy from Canada

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