
Tag - covid dog


How to Breathe Into Balance for You & Your Pets

Today I would like to share a super easy and effective breathing exercise that will help you quickly feel more calm, clear, balanced, and grounded in the present moment.  As an animal communicator and pet communicator, I often feel the human’s unbalanced energy from the animal’s perspective. This exercise is very helpful to do when …


How to Improve Your Mood & Energy Through the Love & Joy of Your Pets

Today I would like to talk about how to improve your energy through the love and joy you experience with your animals.  Every person is an animal communicator and pet communicator but many are not aware of the profound energy exchange that occurs with animals through emotions, thoughts and feelings. As humans, we often move …


How to Become A Vibrational Match with All Your Desires for You & Your Pets

People often book an animal communicator session with me because they need help in understanding their energetic blocks in achieving their goals and objectives with their pets.  Today I would like to talk about becoming a vibrational match with all you desire for you and your pets. You may have dreams, intentions, goals and/or desires …


Intuitive Animal Communication Learning & Development

Are you interesting in learning how to become and animal communicator and pet communicator?  I am super excited to announce the release of my brand new Intuitive Animal Communication Learning & Development Home Study Program! I am breaking down my signature methods in this course where you can learn at your own pace and strengthen …


How to Help Your Pets Adjust to Life Post Pandemic

Over the last year and since the pandemic began, I have heard from many people needing help from an animal communicator because they adopted pets while in lockdown and have been trying to adjust as they create relationships with their pets. As the months progressed, and as the world has opened up more, many people …