
An Animal Communication Story: A Horse’s Request for Sacred Closure

An Animal Communication Story: A Horse’s Request for Sacred Closure

A woman, named Mary, booked an Animal Communicator session with me because her horse, Magic, threw her off his back during a riding session. Fortunately, Mary was only bruised but she was devastated because this had never happened before and she was fearful of ever riding with Magic again.  She asked if I could connect in with Magic to see why he threw her and what was going on in his head.

Watch this video to hear the rest of the story or continue reading along below the video:

Magic showed me a large puzzle with a piece being removed….he was confused and sad about the missing piece. 

He also showed me a cloud of energy around Mary and it was closing in on her, weighing heavily, and causing her to feel distracted, sad, burdened, and stressed.  

This cloud of energy was why Magic threw Mary off his back….as if to shake it off her and snap her back to her normal self.

Then I heard from Magic, “Sacred Closure…Sacred Closure….Sacred Closure” and I asked Mary if these word meant anything to her.  The energy I was feeling from Magic was that there needed to be Sacred Closure of some sort….but I had no idea what that meant.

Mary then told me she had two sons and her older son had passed away within the last year, and they had not gotten around to having a funeral or memorial service for him.  She is a single mom and wanted to have a ceremony, but life kept them very busy and she had not yet put together any form of memorial service.  

This had been weighing on Mary for a long time but she kept pushing it into the back of her mind because she had so many other commitments she was struggling to honor.

Mary shared that her son that passed away was very close with Magic, they would ride everyday, and he would often go to the barn to read to Magic.  They were very bonded and connected.

As the session progressed, I could feel that Magic really wanted the family to have some sort of memorial service for Mary’s son in order to honor him and properly salute his transition into the afterlife.  

The puzzle Magic showed me represented their life and family, the missing puzzle piece was the son who passed away….and Magic was not only said the son was no longer there, but more importantly, he was sad and concerned they did not have any sort of closure with a service of some sort….he wanted them to create the energy of honoring and celebrating the son’s life.

Magic also showed me that there was another horse he was longing to be with…and I saw a vision of a long cord with a plug and wanting to plug into the other horse…and he was frustrated that he could not be with the horse.  Mary told me there was a new horse on the property but they her separate from Magic because they were if Magic would be reactive toward this new horse.

Based on what was coming through from Magic, I suggested that Mary and her living son create a “Sacred Closure” through a memorial service, not only for Magic to feel at peace, but also for Mary and her younger song.  

I also suggested Mary unite Magic with the new horse on the property, having the company would calm Magic and bring him joy and happiness.

A month or so later, Mary told me that she held a private ceremony to honor her son with just Magic, her other son and herself present.  

They decorated Magic’s barn with flowers and photos of her son, they played music, they shared tears, laugher, memories, and love for each other.  

Mary said she could feel Magic’s happiness immediately, and it was as if his tense sad energy literally melted away during their ceremony.  Mary also felt a huge release of the heavy sadness and feeling that something was not complete.

I suggested that Mary mediate every day to calm her own tension about riding with Magic, and to visualize the two of them peacefully and successfully riding together.

After a week or so of meditating, Mary had the courage to get back on Magic and she had an amazing ride free of tension and fear!  She began riding Magic every day and there have been no other issues.

Mary also moved the new horse into the barn with Magic and they quickly became bonded and appearing like they were in love and a happy couple!

It was such an honor to witness this family’s experience and transformation. And it always amazes me how much wisdom, guidance, and information comes through via our connection with animals!


If you need help understanding your pet and how your energy is effecting them, or looking for answers to your pet psychic questions, you can book an Animal Communicator session with me through the link below.

Click Here to Book An Animal Communication Session.

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