
How to Calm and Clear Your Energy Body to Help You & Your Pets

How to Calm and Clear Your Energy Body to Help You & Your Pets

As an animal communicator, people often contact me because they feel their own personal energy is out of balance and getting in the way of their communication and connection with their pets.  It is a common challenge people experience in not being conscious of how they are affected by energy and how their energy is affecting others ….especially pets.

You do not need to be a professional animal communicator or pet psychic to have a clear and consistent understanding of your pets.  Simple meditation where you quiet your mind and body while practicing techniques to clear your energy will restore inner balance.

Today I would like to share a super quick and easy technique to clear your energy and calm your energy body.  Watch the video where I share more or continue reading below:

Your energy body is the complex yet subtle network of energy that flows throughout the energy meridians of your body and being.

Have you ever felt like you are carrying energy throughout your body that is weighing you down, clouding you, distracting you, and leaving you feeling tense and you would like to shake it off and clear it away?

Maybe you leave a place or situation where you feel that you need to take a shower to rid yourself of whatever you just felt or experienced.

We often carry the energy of our thoughts, feelings and emotions as well as energy from others like old baggage and dusty debris that can be stifling and suffocating.

Just like taking a shower or brushing your teeth, it is also important to be mindful of your energy body by clearing and balancing yourself on a regular basis.

Animals are sensitive to energy and there is no fooling them.  If you work with animals and are showing up to them carrying tense, clouded, distracted energy, they will feel it.  This unbalanced energy may potentially get in the way of you communicating and connecting with them.

Meditation is always an important tool for tuning in and recognizing what may be out of balance within you.

One simple technique is to calm and clear your energy body through meditative breathing and movement:

Begin with a big deep breath in through the nose, and out through the mouth.

Take another deep breath in with your right hand placed on the top of your left shoulder.

As you slowly exhale, gently sweep your right hand, palm down, all the way down your arm, like you are sweeping away energy, and sweep all the way down beyond your hand.

Repeat on your left side with your left and on your right shoulder.  Take a deep breath in and as you exhale gently sweep your left hand, palm down, like you are sweeping away energy, and sweep all the way down beyond your hand.

Next, place your right hand again on your left shoulder.  As you exhale, you are going to sweep with your palm down from the top of your left shoulder down across your chest to the bottom of your right hip….sweeping away and releasing any energy that no longer serves you.

Place your left hand on your right shoulder as you take a deep breath in.  As you exhale, you are going to sweep with your palm down from the top of your tight shoulder down across your chest to the bottom of your left hip….sweeping away and releasing the energy.

The next step is to clear the back side of your body.  Take a deep breath in and reach high up above you with your right hand.

As you exhale bring your hand down, palm down, like you are pushing and clearing energy.

When you are halfway down your torso, flip your hand so you are continuing to push and clear the energy with the top / back side of your hand (rather than your palm) and continue all the way down, sweeping the energy away from you.

Repeat the last step with your left hand.

Go at your own pace with this technique, mindful of your breath, and imagining you are clearing away energy that no longer serves you.

You can repeat these steps as many times as you like, but usually one or two rounds is sufficient.

After this process, you will feel lighter, more clear, balanced, and free of old energy that was weighing you down and holding you back.  You will feel more connected to your intuition and your animal communication will be stronger and effective.

It’s really that simple and easy to use this energy clearing process anytime and anywhere.  Try it out and let me know what you experience!

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